The study examines, critically, policies and programs and their varying degrees of successes as it relates to description, explanation and justification of the causes and consequences of government activities especially with respect to sustainable rural development using research design. It further explains some basic reasons and how to reduce rural-urban drift, encourage agro-industries for processing of raw materials and finished goods; and promote export oriented commercial agriculture among others.
The objective of this paper is to examine public policy on rural development in Nigeria, taking FADAMA III as a case study in Ethiope West Local Government of Delta State. This includes ascertaining the progress made by public policies so far on rural development, examine the social eco nomic status of the study area, access the impact of FADAMA III programe on the livelihood activities of the study area and examine the impact of FADAMA III programe on the standard of living of participating farmers.
The study covers the entire area of E thiope West Local Government of Delta State. The aim of this research is to determine how data about the evaluatiion of public policy and rural development in the study area is to be collected in line with the goal and objectives. The population size of th e area was put at 203, 592 ( NPC, 2006) and local government was named after River Ethiope in Sapele, Delta State. Random sampling metthod was adopted and qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection were used. From findings after analysizing t he personal data of respondents, it was discovered after the program helped to uplift the living condition of the beneficiaries in the study area individually, however, the t r ickle down effect of t he policy has not been felt as a whole in t he Local Government . The area st ill lack the required basic infrastructure that would make life more meaningful for the inhabitants and the Local Government. Conclusively, the third National Development project has progressive impact which needs to be consolidated in the sub sequent years ahead. Government needs to place rural development at the top of their agenda of the National development in realization of the fact that enhances rural development as a prerequisite for meaningful and sustainable overall National development policies and programs. Government also needs to deemphasize total focus on t he oil sector to enhance agricultural development through addressing the needs of rural farmers with functional incentives.